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Workplace Massage
Many of the benefits of massage for your employees are similar to the benefits of getting a massage at a spa, but in the comfort and convenience of your workplace. Onsite Chair massage and Reflexology foot massage makes massage therapy accessible to those within your organisation who are uncomfortable getting undressed and would otherwise never experience massage without it.
Benefits to the employee
1. Reduces stress
2. Decreases anxiety and depression
3. Relieves muscle tension and pain
4. Improves quality of sleep
5. Relieves headaches
6. Lowers blood pressure
7. Prevents repetitive strain injuries.
8. Increases immune function
9. Treats carpal tunnel and tendonitis
10. Increases focus, energy and mental clarity
Benefits to the employer
1. Increase employee productivity
2. Attract top talent
3. Increase employee retention
4. Decrease Worker’s Compensation claims
5. Reduce sick days
6. Improve office morale
To find out more about the services on offer and to discuss your business requirements, please contact Lee on 07921507607
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